Corona Friday House Party!
Every Friday Night from 7:30pm - 10:30pm ET
Put your dancing shoes and jammies on and join me "Brooklyn Mike," "Lisa Marie," and "DJ Scott West" on every Friday night from 7:30pm - 10:30pm EST for a fun filled evening of dance music and interaction with our listeners.
This show started while we were on lockdown fighting Corona Virus War on our country. This show has been such a huge success that we will continue this show permanently every Friday for your entertainment to continue lifting your spirits and putting a smile on your face!
A great addition and a special THANK YOU to two of our listeners and now Contributors and Mixologists for the Drink of the Week, our great friends CHUCK & STACEY!
(After Brooklyn Mike has his sissy ass cocktail, Chuck & Stacey are also known as Stuck & Stephanie LOL Drink of The Week
Contributors and Great Friends ("Famiglia") & Listeners of the Show, Our Mixologists